Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]

Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]
Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE] CKE
Matura 2017. Język angielski - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE] - to tutaj znajdziecie wszystko, co powinniście wiedzieć po egzaminie. I z nami sprawdzicie, jak poszła Wam matura 2017 z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym!


Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]

Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]

Matura 2017. Język angielski i inne przedmioty

Trwa matura 2017. Język angielski tegoroczni maturzyści zdają 8 maja, czyli trzeciego dnia egzaminów. Od rana (godzina 9) zaplanowano poziom podstawowy. O godzinie 14 - poziom rozszerzony.

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Matura 2017. Angielski język - rozszerzenie ODPOWIEDZI:

Arkusz CKE oraz odpowiedzi pojawią się tutaj w poniedziałek, 8 maja, około godziny 19. Sprawdźcie z nami, jak poszła Wam matura 2017 z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym.

Zadanie 1.

And now a news story from Chicago. The Willis Tower boasts an observation deck that is situated on the 103rd floor. If that’s not scary enough, the deck is made of glass and protrudes from the building. Now imagine this glass deck cracking while there are tourists on it. This is exactly what happened last week to three tourists observing the panorama of the city. They were errified when they saw a web of cracks underfoot and hurried back into the building. However, a Willis Tower spokesperson said at a press conference yesterday that there’s no reason to be alarmed. The glass structure is sound, and what cracked was the protective coating designed to keep the deck from getting scratched. The deck remains closed while crews are carrying out repairs on the protective coating.
adapted from

Woman: Hello. I saw the advertisement outside. Do you happen to know if the vacancy is still available?
Man: As far as I know it is.
Woman: Are you by any chance familiar with the terms of the tenancy agreement?
Man: The rent is £900 a month and a 12-month lease is required. The owner pays for the gas, but the tenant pays for all other utilities. To move in, you have to pay a deposit.
Woman: Is it a safe neighbourhood?
Man: Absolutely. I patrol the property every hour, we have surveillance cameras and all tenants know one another.
Woman: Would it be possible for me to see the flat?
Man: I’m afraid I can’t leave my post and I’m not allowed to show you round the property but I’ll call the landlord. Please, take a seat for a moment.
adapted from

April 25th was the hottest April day on record, with temperatures hitting 29 degrees.
And the following night might have been a sleepless one for many Londoners.
Have you ever wondered why it’s hard to fall asleep on a hot night? Studies show that it is body temperature that determines how well one sleeps. Generally, when we fall asleep, our body temperature naturally decreases by 1 to 2 degrees compared to the temperature during wakefulness. It is believed that this way our organism conserves energy for other functions. However, on either hot or cold nights your body struggles to reach the optimal body temperature
and this leads to sleep disorders.
adapted from

Zadanie 1.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
1.1. The news item is about
A. a tourist’s injury on an observation deck.
B. a seemingly hazardous incident.
C. a delay in maintenance work.

Tekst 2.
1.2. The woman is talking to
A. a prospective tenant.
B. a property owner.
C. a security guard.

Tekst 3.
1.3. Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion?
A. On the night of April 25th Londoners suffered from sleep disorders.
B. There is a direct relationship between body temperature and sleep.
C. By decreasing body temperature, an organism saves energy.

Zadanie 2.

Speaker 1
It’s obvious that advertisers want to rent land to put up billboards in close proximity to public roads. Drivers can read them and get influenced by the images and slogans, which, in turn, make them buy the advertised goods. But, in my opinion, strange things can happen, all within the law, when the government needs the land for a public purpose. For instance, the replacement of the Lafayette Bridge in St. Paul, Minnesota, required a number of billboards to be taken down. The state authorities settled with the billboard owners and paid them substantial damages from public funds. It’s not right, in my opinion.

Speaker 2
I consider billboards very useful. I get stuck in traffic jams for about an hour on my way to work and back home. Billboards help me overcome boredom and their illumination keeps me awake behind the wheel after dark. It’s true that some of them show things I’m not interested in at all, but they also present important issues that can raise our awareness. The message on one billboard stuck in my mind so powerfully that I switched to LED lighting and stopped leaving the bulbs turned on in an empty room.

Speaker 3
Last week I experienced something I had read about in a study done by a Swedish research team. They found that billboards took drivers’ eyes off the motorways for significant periods of time, posing a potential threat for everyone on the road. I myself got distracted by flashy lights on a billboard inviting people to Las Vegas hotels and smashed my classy Cadillac to pieces. What happened in Sweden is that the government ordered an opinion poll among its citizens, and as a result, they took the decision to remove all adverts along the roads. I wonder whether anybody cares about the impact of billboards on drivers in our country.

Speaker 4
I’m a professional driver so I’m exposed to billboards day and night. Some can even have an educational impact, like those pointing to the consequences of reckless driving. However, there is one thing that irritates me. I read that there are almost 700,000 billboards on federal roads and the number is growing. But only 450,000 of them are permitted to be there. It has become a habit to put up billboards illegally, which means substantial loss of income from property tax for local authorities.
adapted from

Zadanie 2.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat billboardów przy drogach. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.

Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker mentions
A. an unauthorized practice adopted by billboard owners.
B. legislation implemented to follow a foreign example.
C. a change in his/her habits triggered by a billboard.
D. people who benefited financially from the removal of billboards.
E. an eye-catching billboard leading to a serious accident.

2.1. D
2.2. C
2.3. E
2.4. A

Zadanie 3.

Interviewer: Many people dream about quitting their jobs for a life in paradise. Our guest today is a woman who didn’t just dream about it, she actually did it. Meet Noelle Hancock who gave up a $95,000 job and moved to the Caribbean island of St. John to scoop ice cream. Few people have enough courage to make such a big change. But you did. What made you do it?
Noelle: It all began four years ago after I finished writing my book. I was a 31-year-old journalist living in Manhattan in a lovely neighbourhood with every imaginable convenience and form of entertainment. Still, I was beginning to feel more and more disheartened and lonely. It was getting me down. When the book was published, I got an attractive job offer, and although it was very tempting, I chose adventure and packed my bags.
Interviewer: There are about 2 million people living in Manhattan. How can one feel lonely there?
Noelle: New York is a competitive city – you have to spend most of your time working to afford to live there. And a downside of living among so many ambitious people is they’re often overscheduled. Sometimes I didn’t see my closest friends for months. Trying to negotiate a time to meet a friend for a chat was harder than getting into college. I know it’s ironic to feel lonely in such a big city, but it seemed I spent my life staring at screens: laptop, phone, iPad. I was just fed up with that.
Interviewer: What’s the island you’re living on like?
Noelle: It’s really small. The island’s main town, Cruz Bay, has just a few winding roads and a handful of open-air bars and restaurants. There are no traffic lights, no chain stores and access to Wi-Fi is limited. Shoes are optional. We get everywhere on foot or by car, mainly in beaten-up Jeeps because no one cares what kind of car you drive. We shower and wash our stuff in filtered rainwater collected in cisterns attached to the house. I have plenty of time to see my friends and on my days off, I hike, dive, or go boating to the nearby islands.
Interviewer: And where do you see yourself in the future?
Noelle: That question reminds me of my job interviews. I was often asked, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” It always seemed a depressing notion to know what you’d be doing five years in the future. Lately I’ve been thinking of moving somewhere entirely different. Europe, perhaps? There are so many places to go! Who knows where I’ll end up? Living abroad has exposed me to a different approach to life, one in which you’re not expected to settle down or tie yourself to a place by running a business or having a long-term contract.
Interviewer: And the last question. What message would you like to pass on to our listeners?
Noelle: Well, many people aren’t living in the moment; they’re waiting for some indeterminate time in the future when they’ve saved up enough vacation days and money to take a trip somewhere. But if you’re constantly longing for a vacation, maybe what you really want is a new life. You should seriously take this option into consideration.
adapted from

Zadanie 3.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z kobietą, która zmieniła swój styl życia. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

3.1. Why did Noelle decide to change her life?
A. She couldn’t stand the neighbourhood she lived in.
B. She was unable to find another job in New York.
C. She realized she felt miserable living in New York.
D. She encountered problems with having her book published.

3.2. What does Noelle say about her New York friends?
A. They neglected her because of college duties.
B. They frequently competed with her.
C. They had little time for socializing.
D. They refused to contact her online.

3.3. Which is TRUE about life on the island?
A. Rainwater is used for everyday purposes.
B. The main town has an extensive road network.
C. There are no Internet services available there.
D. Its inhabitants mainly use public transport to move around.

3.4. Which of the following does Noelle mention as an option for the future?
A. changing her place of residence
B. settling down on a nearby island
C. setting up a business of her own
D. searching for permanent employment

3.5. Answering the last question, Noelle encourages listeners to
A. save enough money to have a carefree future.
B. reflect on their real needs.
C. plan their life strategy well in advance.
D. prepare well for their vacation.

Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj teksty o trzech miastach dbających o ekologię (A–C) oraz zdania ich dotyczące (4.1.–4.4.). Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań.

4.1. This city rewards eco-friendly behaviour with fresh produce.
4.2. In this city, street lamps adjust their brightness to road conditions.
4.3. This city has implemented eco-friendly building standards for new housing projects.
4.4. Public transport in this city was an inspiring example for others.

A. Vancouver, Canada
Regularly performing well in worldwide “livable city” rankings, Vancouver has a new ambitious goal of becoming “the greenest city in the world” by 2020. Now, the city leads the world in hydroelectric power and regularly uses wind, solar and wave power. Thanks to numerous bike lanes, public transport services relying largely on electric trolley buses, and the widespread use of LED for street lighting, Vancouver has the lowest carbon emissions on the continent, outracing other major cities which failed to introduce equally effective solutions. It has also introduced a strict green code that all current residential
construction developments must conform to.

B. Oslo, Norway
With more than two-thirds of its municipality covered in forest, waterways and agricultural land, Oslo is one of Europe’s leading sustainable cities. Examples of pioneering practices include: intelligent lighting that dims when the weather and flow rate of vehicles permit, and eco-certification of work places involving 43,000 employees in companies, schools and kindergartens. Another green idea is the use of municipal waste to recover energy to heat offices and residential buildings. In fact, the city’s heating system is powered mainly by renewable energy, which annually saves carbon emissions equivalent to 60,000 vehicles.

C. Curitiba, Brazil
Named the “Best Place to Live in Brazil,” Curitiba is regularly praised for its sustainability and conservation efforts. There are more than 52 square metres of green space per person, which means 1.5 million trees and a network of 28 parks. Some 2.3 million people a day use Curitiba’s fast transit service based on buses – a model of efficiency eagerly adopted by many other cities including Los Angeles. Ninety percent of residents recycle their garbage and the city officials have come up with an innovative program that allows each citizen to exchange trash for fruit and vegetables from the local farmers’ market. This has greatly minimized litter and waste especially in the poor sections of Curitiba.
adapted from

4.1. C
4.2. B
4.3. A
4.4. C

Zadanie 5.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki 5.1.–5.4. litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

The remains of a woolly mammoth recently discovered in Siberia could be the best hope yet for scientists aiming to clone the massive, long-extinct beast. In May 2013, scientists from the Siberian Northeastern Federal University reached a small island in the far north of Siberia, as there were rumours that a mammoth was lying under the ice there. 5.1. _____ But when the researchers dug further, they found an almost complete mammoth, with three legs, most of the body, part of the head and the trunk still intact. During the excavations, they saw dark red smudges on the animal’s skin, which they thought might be mammoth blood.

The researchers then took the body to Yakutsk in Russia, where a group of experts had only three days to thoroughly examine the specimen before it was refrozen to prevent rotting. 5.2. _____ Further tests conducted on the mammoth’s teeth revealed it was likely to have been in its mid-50s. While scientists were examining the elbow of the mammoth, blood samples were collected. Unlike humans and other mammals, mammoths evolved a cold-resistant form of hemoglobin, which enabled them to survive in the near-freezing temperatures during the Ice Age.

The discovery of the mammoth might be the key element enabling scientists to clone that extinct species. But whether or not Buttercup can be brought back to life is another matter. 5.3. _____ Previously found mammoths looked exceptionally well-preserved but have yielded only a few dried specks of blood, and none of them had enough intact DNA for a cloning experiment.
So far, the team hasn’t found a complete copy of the mammoth’s genome. But Buttercup’s tissue has revealed some very long fragments of DNA that could potentially be pieced together to recreate the genome. 5.4. _____ For example, George Churchen from Harvard University hopes that combining DNA from Buttercup with DNA from modern-day elephants will allow for that. However, the experiments have not produced any decisive results yet.
adapted from

A. The team used carbon dating and determined that the mammoth, nicknamed Buttercup, lived about 40,000 years ago.
B. To make this bold dream a reality, a complete copy of DNA is essential.
C. Based on their condition, scientists determined that Buttercup was probably not in the best of health when she died but a more detailed genetic analysis is necessary.
D. And even if a complete sample of undamaged DNA can’t be found, there may be other ways to clone a mammoth.
E. At first, they saw only parts of two giant tusks sticking out of the ground.

5.1. - E. At first, they saw only parts of two giant tusks sticking out of the qround.
5.2. - A. The team used carbon dating and determined that the mammoth, nicknamed Buttercup, lived about 40,000 years ago.
5.3. - B. To make this bold dream a reality, a complete copy of DNA is essential.
5.4. - D. And even if a complete sampleof undamaged DNA can't be found, there maybe other ways to clone a mammoth.

Zadanie 6.
Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z diamentami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 1.
Mr F. led me across the long stretch of jungle and deserted hilly terrain. The earth trembled every few minutes, with me on its surface. “You can see now why Krakatoa was always considered unfit to live on. That’s the peculiar thing about nature,” explained Mr F.
“It guards its rarest treasures with the greatest care. This noisy and fearful volcano has a mine at its feet. I am now leading you there.” With considerable difficulty we reached the foot of the volcano. We were suddenly standing on a piece of ground which didn’t move. At last! Feeling dizzy and weary, I was grateful to Mr F. for bringing me to a bench on this motionless piece of earth. I sat down and took a deep breath. The tension disappeared. Mr F. sat beside me for a while and then suggested that we get going. It took us about ten minutes to get to an entrance in the wall of the mountain, the entrance covered up by an old wooden door from a ship. Mr F. took out two pairs of glasses with dark lenses. “You’ll need these,” he explained, “and whatever you do, do not remove them while in the mines.”

As soon as I entered the mine, I understood why the ground above it was such a peaceful retreat in this rumbling landscape. The walls, the floor, the ceiling were hewn out of the hardest of all minerals: pure, dazzling diamond. I walked up to my ankles in diamond pebbles. The floor was covered with diamonds as big as cobblestones, diamonds in their cleanest state, ready to be cut. If the famous Jonkers’ diamond, one of the largest ever found, had been tossed on the brilliant floor of the Krakatoa mine, it would have been as impossible to find as a grain of salt in a bag of sugar.

I was naturally astounded. I had seen pictures of the famous salt mines of Poland and the crystal caves of Bermuda. Here was a sight a thousand times more blinding, more awe-inspiring; a sight to make reality of the most imaginative fairy tale. I greedily picked up some of the jewels letting the smaller ones slip through my fingers. I couldn’t resist taking the biggest diamond in my hands. It was the size of a baseball. I suddenly felt like a small child let loose in a candy shop. I put the diamond away reluctantly.
“May I have a handful of these?” I asked pointing to the diamond pebbles at my feet. My voice was trembling.
“Sure,” he said, “fill your pockets with them if you wish.”
adapted from The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois

6.1. In the first paragraph, we learn that the narrator
A. found Krakatoa more densely populated than he had expected.
B. felt relieved after an exhausting trek in an unstable area.
C. got sick because the bench he sat on was moving.
D. took a rest by the door leading to the mine.

6.2. Looking at the diamonds in the mine, the narrator
A. imagined himself putting the biggest diamond in his pocket.
B. remembered equally impressive mines he had been to.
C. felt overwhelmed by their quality and quantity.
D. hesitated whether or not he could touch them.

Zadanie 6.
Tekst 2.

Everybody knows the slogan “A Diamond Is Forever”, but have you ever wondered about its origin? Here is the story.
Until the late nineteenth century, diamonds were found only in India and Brazil, and the entire world production of gem diamonds amounted to a few pounds a year. In 1870, however, huge diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, where diamonds were soon being scooped out by the ton. The British financiers who had founded the South African mines quickly realized that their investment was endangered. They knew that diamond prices depended almost entirely on their scarcity so they feared that diamonds might become at best only semiprecious gems. They needed something which would boost the demand for the stone. Help came in 1938 from a leading diamond merchandiser who launched well-orchestrated advertising and public-relations campaigns which aimed at creating emotional and romantic feelings towards diamonds. The skilful marketing enhanced the notion that diamonds were a gift of love: the larger and finer the diamond, the greater the love expressed. In three years diamond sales were up by 50%, but the merchandiser still needed a slogan that would express both the theme of romance and legitimacy. In 1947 the now classic slogan “A Diamond Is Forever” was coined. This immediately spurred even more sales. The implied durability of a diamond conveyed the meaning that marriage is forever.

The expression “a diamond is forever” is, however, more than just a catchy marketing slogan. Diamonds undoubtedly are the hardest of all gemstones. They have incredibly strong atom bonds because they are made up of carbon. Being the smallest of the atoms that can be bonded, carbon atoms fit together more tightly than atoms of any other element. Once these atoms have been compressed at high enough temperatures to form a diamond, they are literally bound forever, like marriage should be.
adapted from

6.3. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A. The promotional campaign managed to boost diamond sales effectively.
B. The idea that diamonds are tokens of affection originated in the 19th century.
C. British financiers took over the South African mines to limit the diamond supply.
D. The discovery of diamond deposits in South Africa resulted in diamonds being downgraded to semiprecious stones.

6.4. The writer’s intention in the last paragraph is
A. to outline scientific studies concerning the diamond market.
B. to prove that there is a scientific explanation behind a popular phrase.
C. to point to the difference between the hardness of carbon and a diamond.
D. to question the similarity between diamond structure and bonds in marriage.

6.5. Both texts
A. explain why diamonds are so expensive.
B. describe the diamond mines the authors have visited.
C. trace the history of diamond mining.
D. refer to human fascination with diamonds.

Zadanie 7.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Would you give up your beloved family pet 7.1. _____ to get a better deal when selling your home? An Australian family managed to add an extra $140,000 to the asking price for their house by including their cat in the deal. When Michael and Fran Perceval’s home failed 7.2. _____ at an auction, they were worried. However, once the auction came to an end, an offer of $2.2 million was received, insisting the Percevals’ cat, Tiffany, came with the house. The owners admitted that all the people visiting the property loved her. The couple even joked with the agent that the cat could be treated as an add-on, not expecting at all that the animal might be a decisive 7.3. _____. The extra money clinched the deal and the five-bedroom house was sold with the cat. Reports say that the Percevals describe themselves as animal lovers, but it would be interesting to know 7.4. _____ Tiffany feels the same.
adapted from

A. not only
B. even though
C. as if
D. so as

A. to sell
B. selling
C. to be selling
D. being sold

A. objective
B. factor
C. step
D. effect

A. unless
B. how
C. whether
D. in case

Zadanie 8.
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1.–8.4.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

The Make-A-Wish charity is celebrating another anniversary this month. 8.1. _______________ it began in 1980, it has granted 250,000 wishes in the US. The wish-granting movement started in Arizona when two law enforcement agents learned about Chris, a seriously ill seven-year-old boy who yearned to be a police officer. They took the boy to their headquarters, where he was given a badge, a uniform specially made 8.2. _______________ fit his size, and was solemnly sworn in as the department’s honorary officer.
The charity has spread to every state and around the globe. More than 334,000 wishes have 8.3. _______________ granted worldwide so far, funded entirely through private donations and corporate sponsors. The charity also boasts the support of many celebrities, including Beyoncé, Meryl Streep and John Grisham, 8.4. _______________ help has been invaluable for making children’s dreams come true.
adapted from

8.1. since
8.2. to
8.3. been
8.4. whose

Zadanie 9.
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (9.1.–9.4.). W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już podany. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

9.1. I can’t wait to see my boyfriend again.
I ______________________________________________________ my boyfriend again.

9.2. Could you watch over my backpack while I’m swimming in the lake?
Could you _______________________________________________ my backpack while
I’m swimming in the lake?

I ________________________________ the Great Wall of China on my last business trip.

9.4. The actress didn’t want anybody to recognize her, so she decided to wear a wig.
The actress decided to wear a wig to _________________________________________.

9.1. I am looking forward to seeing my boyfriend again.
9.2. Could you keep an eye on my backpack while I'm swimming in the lake?
9.3. I wish I could have seen lub wish I had seen the Great Wall of China on my last business trip.
9.4. The actress decided to wear a wig to avoid being recognized.

Zadanie 10.
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który wybrałeś(-aś), zakreślając jego numer.

1. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony występowania dzieci w programach telewizyjnych typu talent show.
2. Wiele osób nie przestrzega podstawowych zasad bezpieczeństwa podczas górskich wycieczek. Napisz artykuł, w którym zrelacjonujesz niebezpieczną sytuację, która wynikła z lekkomyślnego zachowania turystów, i przedstawisz swój pomysł kampanii promującej odpowiedzialne zachowanie w górach.


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Materiał oryginalny: Matura 2017. ANGIELSKI - rozszerzenie [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE] - Głos Wielkopolski

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